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Year 6 Applications

Year 6 applications for admission to Alec Hunter Academy must be submitted to Essex County Council online, as all Year 6 applications are processed centrally.
Once a place has been allocated and confirmed by Essex County Council, the school will contact the family.

For further information please visit the Essex County Council Website or alternatively telephone 0845 603 2200.

Year 6 to 7 secondary admission round for September 2024
As you may be aware, the new secondary school admission round opened on Monday 12 September 2023, for parents of current Year 6 children to apply for a secondary school (Year 7) place for September 2024.
The statutory national closing date for applications is 31st October 2023.
Applications can be made online via www.essex.gov.uk/admissions. 99% of parents in Essex applied online last year.

All the application information is available on the website above.

Appeals are co-ordinated via Essex County Council and further information can be found at Essex Appeals.

The website also has a copy of the Secondary Education in Essex 2023-24 booklet which contains details of all secondary school admission policies:


Please click below to view the Alec Hunter Academy Admissions Area Maps:

Please click below to view our current Admissions Policy:

Mid-Year Applications

All mid-year applications for admission to Alec Hunter Academy must be submitted to the school directly using the form below.  If a place is allocated, the school will contact the family.  

For further information please contact the school office on 01376 321813.