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In the Spring/Summer terms, you will have group work sessions aimed at introducing you to your post-16 choices. Employer engagement is extremely important and at Alec Hunter Academy we have strong links with local employers who volunteer to assist with Mock Interview Days, Inspirational Presentations and workshops on Skills Days throughout the year. 
Now is a good time to start thinking about developing your talents, as well as working on your GCSEs. Have you held any positions of responsibility in the school? If you haven't, why not ask your Form Tutor if they know of any opportunities? What about joining a sports team, a drama club or a STEM club? Perhaps you could consider mentoring younger students.
Have you considered work experience during school holidays? You should start looking for work experience at least six months before you want to do it. More and more people are applying to do work experience now and therefore some companies have year-long (or more) waiting lists. Expect to send out a huge number of work experience applications and only get a few responses.


Giving up your time and energy for the benefit of society, the community, the environment or individuals outside of your immediate family.

Where can I volunteer?

  • Homework clubs
  • Church activities
  • Sport Clubs
  • Local Care Homes
  • Scouts / Guides
  • Youth Clubs
  • Supervision / Prefect duties in school
  • Help out at school events
  • Bands
  • First Aid
  • Peer Mentoring

Have a look at vInspired.  They are an independent charity dedicated to helping young people volunteer in ways that matter to them.

Other pages for volunteering opportunities include

Need to get started?

If you would like a careers guidance interview, please book an appointment in person via Mrs Pipe in the library, or you can email cpipe@alechunter.com

Labour Market Information:

Identifying where the jobs are now and where they could be in the future is called Labour Market Information. Researching this will help you choose your options and future career pathways.









The Government is encouraging more young people to study STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) related subjects because they will give you the skills you will need for a wide range of career choices in the future.  Have a look at these useful websites:

Remember it's important to make sure you choose subjects that you like and are good at! 

If you would like a careers guidance interview, please book an appointment in person with Mrs Pipe in the library or you can email CPipe@alechunter.com

Raising the Participation Age (RPA)

It is a government requirement that young people stay in some form of education or training until their 18th birthday; more information can be found here.  This can be any of the following:

  • Sixth Form
  • Further Education College
  • Apprenticeships / Traineeships
  • Employment (with training)
  • Volunteering (with training)

Careermag for School Leavers

Careermag is a high-quality careers magazine which connects students, graduates, their parents and educators to career support and guidance. Careermag is all about helping young people unlock their full potential through telling stories, dispelling myths and misconceptions and sharing insights into employment and qualification routes. Each issue features top employers, hints and tips to help you with your job search, inspiring case studies and sector spotlights so you can make a well-informed decision on what is right for you.


For further information, advice & guidance please visit the Directions IAG website, which is packed full of useful information for students, parents and carers using this link: https://directions-careers.co.uk/