Full Media Version


In order to contact the Head of Year or Student Support Leaders for your son/daughter, please call the school on 01376 321813 and ask for the appropriate person. Alternatively you could email them using the address below:

Year 7

Head of Year

Mr A Lee ALee@alechunter.com

Student Support Leader

Mrs K Willing KWilling@alechunter.com

Year 8
Head of Year

Mr K Spooner KSpooner@alechunter.com

Student Support Leader

Mrs L Weaver LWeaver@alechunter.com 

Year 9
Head of Years

Miss R Jones RJones@alechunter.com
(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)

Miss N McKinnon NMckinnon@alechunter.com (Friday)

Student Support Leader

Ms S Swindale SSwindale@alechunter.com

Year 10
Head of Year

Mr T Holland THolland@alechunter.com 

Student Support Leaders

Mrs C Johnson CJohnson@alechunter.com (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)

Mrs V Porter VPorter@alechunter.com (Wednesday)

Year 11
Head of Year

Mr C Moreno CMoreno@alechunter.com

Student Support Leader

Mr R Cleevely RCleevely@alechunter.com