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All students will have the opportunity to have at least one dedicated meeting with our Careers Adviser in order to help them make vital career choices. Break, lunch and after school drop-in sessions are also available. Our Careers Adviser attends the school's Parents' Evenings in order to assist students and parents alike with any queries.

The school has a dedicated careers area in the library where students can access all the information they will need in order to help them choose the correct career path, and careers education is embedded into the Learning for Life programme for all students.

Work Experience is a fantastic opportunity for students to gain insight into the ‘real life’ working world and gives them a chance to develop their self-confidence, practical and communication skills, which will assist them as they progress into further education or permanent employment. We would encourage all students in Years 10 and 11 to source a voluntary position during their school holidays.

After leaving Alec Hunter Academy, students have many Post-16 options including further education colleges, sixth forms and apprenticeships. Students are also able to receive help with applications and CV writing.

If you need Careers advice why not book an appointment with Mrs Pipe, our Careers Guidance Advisor? Book a one-to-one appointment or go to a drop in session on a Friday at break, lunch or after school to discuss any of the following:

  • Subject choices
  • Career planning
  • Course choices
  • College and Sixth form applications
  • Job hunting and applications
  • Apprenticeships
  • CV writing and interview skills

Greater Essex Careers Hub
Not everyone knows what they want to do when they finish school and even if you do, do you know how to get started or what training you need to get the job you want? Greater Essex Careers Hub have produced a guide to everything you need to know about getting ready for a job or training you would like to do.

The booklet includes information about eight different industries that are popular and growing in Essex, as well as progression options for post 16 and 18. 

Please see the individual Year Group pages in this section for specific guidance.

To view our weekly Careers Information Newsletter please click the documents below: